December 30, 2011

Best of 2011

10:19 PM 2 Comments
New Years is always a bittersweet time for me. I get really excited about the idea of a new beginning but I also feel sad about leaving another year behind. Sometimes it feels like I didn't accomplish enough which I have to remember isn't true! To celebrate this year let's take a look back at my top three most popular...

December 27, 2011

Vegan Eggnog

10:57 AM 4 Comments
Last year when I posted my recipe for Cranberry Filled Eggnog Cupcakes, many of you admitted to not liking eggnog. I have to admit that I was slightly taken aback by this. I don't understand how some do not like eggnog. Although, I do have to confess, I also cannot drink eggnog on its own. There's just something about...

December 18, 2011

Spicy Oatmeal Cookies

3:46 PM 11 Comments
Christmas is almost here and you know what that means? Cookies! I can't wait to bake and sample multiple cookies. For me the quintessential Christmas cookie has to be filled with spices. Of course there's the traditional gingerbread cookie which is lovely and delicious but I don't always like to go traditional. This...

November 20, 2011

November 11, 2011

November 6, 2011

October 17, 2011

October 10, 2011


10:04 PM 5 Comments
Hi everyone! I hope all of my Canadian friends had a wonderful Thanksgiving I have to share some special news with you all. Yup, this weekend my Cookies of Awesome were featured as one of the Top 9 on Foodbuzz! I was so excited and want to thank of all of supporters for this. I don't know about you but I am so excited...

September 26, 2011

September 11, 2011

Cookies of Awesome

10:53 PM 17 Comments
Moving can be a very stressful and busy time in one's life. You're sad to leave your old home but excited to enter another. This is what I have been experiencing as I am currently in the process of moving out of my house and have been busy busy! My first full day at the new house was yesterday and the first thing...

August 23, 2011

Brown Rice Syrup

10:12 PM 10 Comments
Brown rice syrup has been on my "to try" list for some time. I have seem it used in many vegan recipes and I love trying out new natural sweeteners. I haven't been able to find some at any health food stores so when Tropical Traditions asked if I would like to review it, I happily said yes! ...

August 4, 2011

July 27, 2011

What I've Been Baking

10:16 PM 11 Comments
Before I present to you tons of delicious goodies I just want to mention that I now have a Facebook account! Please head on over and like me please! Please The past while I have baked so many things thanks to some lovely days off. Too many for multiple posts and most I consider the rights to author bloggers so I thought...

July 19, 2011

Dark Velvet Waffles

10:02 PM 12 Comments
A few days ago on a walk I found this cute little birdie who couldn't fly. Being who I am, I couldn't just leave him there so I brought home. I made him a small space where I could hopefully nurse him back to health. He eventually began eating and drinking and looked like he was getting a lot better. But unfortunately...

July 8, 2011

July 4, 2011

June 30, 2011

June 23, 2011

For Monet

8:48 PM 11 Comments
Monet, a fellow blogger and friend, has been through several tragedies in her life the past year. To help her through this difficult time Kate and Lizzy came up with the great idea to make a scrapbook of recipes for her. I immediately sent them my recipe for Apple Muffin Hearts, to show Monet that ...

June 19, 2011

June 5, 2011

May 27, 2011

May 21, 2011

May 11, 2011

May 6, 2011

May 3, 2011

April 29, 2011

April 26, 2011

Peanut Butter Scones

5:19 PM 18 Comments
For Lent I decided to give up peanut butter. I know what you’re thinking "Peanut butter? But you love peanut butter!" I thought it was crazy too but I wanted to give up something I really cared about for Easter. For the most part I did well; I didn't even crave peanut butter. I do admit that I had lots of help from...

April 19, 2011

Spheres of Joy

9:22 PM 7 Comments
It’s a combination you've probably seen countless times. Dates and nuts. Aren’t they just perfect together! I call these Spheres of Joy because they are like little sweet balls of energy. My mom calls them candy, so you can call them that too. But remember they are better than candy because they have no unhealthy fats...

April 9, 2011

April 1, 2011

This is not a Pudding

8:26 PM 15 Comments
Happy April Fool's Day! I hope you had an exciting day. I love hearing the funny stories on April Fool's Day. My favourite this year was IKEA's Highchair for dogs. Did you like or take part in any pranks? Surprise all of your friends with this vegan pudding. I swear it tastes just like the real thing! It requires about...

March 26, 2011

Vegan Brownies

9:54 PM 12 Comments
I have to confess that since I have started my Vegan Fridays I have been hoarding vegan recipe books. My favourite so far has been a book you've probably heard of, (in fact I wouldn't be surprised if it was at your side right now) it’s called Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar. This is a great book. It has so many...

March 19, 2011

Orange Vanilla Poppy Seed Muffins

10:07 PM 11 Comments
Near my home is a lovely European bakery. It has been there for many years and I have been going there since I can remember. I have many memories of this bakery. The first slice of cake I ever had came from this bakery. It was a vanilla cake with mocha frosting. I can't say that I remember it but I've heard that I enjoyed...

March 12, 2011

March 6, 2011

March 4, 2011

Trying New Things

10:30 PM 5 Comments
Happy Vegan Friday! I mentioned in a previous post about how eating vegan can be surprisingly simple. However, part of being vegan is that you get to experiment with all the fun stuff! I love trying new things. Especially when it comes to food. Some of my favourites are tofu and almond milk. I also have an obsession...

February 27, 2011

February 24, 2011

In a Microwave

9:16 PM 4 Comments
I tried hot yoga for the first time a few days ago! It was excellent and in fact I am going again today! Hot yoga is an experience every yogi should try. If you don't like yoga because you find it too "easy" then I highly recommend hot yoga because you'll be sweating buckets. I went in for a 75 minute class and it went...

February 20, 2011

Toaster Cheesecake

9:49 AM 11 Comments
It has been too long since my last post! I had some midterms this past week and I was more worried about where the subclavian artery was located than anything else. Sorry! But now I am back. I also have the week off so you can expect a few posts. So what's new? Well, you may have noticed that little button at...

February 5, 2011

Trains and Pancakes

10:27 AM 8 Comments
Dear Train, Please never leave me out in the freezing cold again. It was minus 30 degrees Celsius outside at seven in the morning. Yet somehow you collided with a car. And you made me late for my lab. Why is it that emergencies like this always happen in freezing weather? This is the second time you have left me...

January 28, 2011

Apple Muffin Hearts

10:56 PM 20 Comments
Today I am not posting a vegan recipe (sorry to all you vegans) or a gluten free recipe (sorry to all you on a gluten free diet) but I am posting a lovely, healthy, and delicious muffin recipe. My beautiful pan Recently I bought a silicon muffin pan. I've never used a silicon pan before so I was very excited to...

January 21, 2011

What Color are You?

10:22 PM 11 Comments
Last weekend I went to a retreat that focused on the True Colors communications style personality test. This test focuses on what type of person you tend to be when working in a group. It also builds a model for understanding yourself and others. It is called True Colors because you can either be labelled as gold,...

January 14, 2011


10:11 PM 19 Comments
School is back in session and I'm as busy as ever. My week has mainly consisted of lectures, work, skating, the gym, volunteer training, freezing in the cold, more work, and then a little bit of studying and blog reading. Blah.... and by the way happy late 1/11/11! That's January 11, 2011. Just take a look at all those...

January 6, 2011

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